Thursday, June 6, 2013

Day 25!!

June 5th. Today, we left on our monitoring drive at 6:15. It wasn’t as super freezing out as I expected, but it was cloudy. We got smart and started bringing blankets to put on our laps now. :) We headed out to Garonga, like we had tried last night. After stopping for some general game, we set up the telemetry to find the elephant herds. Lukas was driving, and Jamie was navigating. Kelsie and I were in the second row operating the telemetry together. We would take turns listening to the box and operating the poles. We set it up around 7, and we drove around according to the signal for about 2 hours and thought we were completely losing them! But we still had strong signals coming! I was pretty sure the ellies were just messing with us now, running all around. We finally cornered them down to a huge block in Makalali East. We circled the block, confirming that the signals from both Dracula’s herd and Holey Ear’s herd were coming from within. We had no visual from the road, but we had some audio at a few spots. Low rumbling, trees breakings, etc. Lukas walked in to get a visual, but the bush was so thick, and they were so far back, that he didn’t get anything. Then we drove into the bush a bit, and tried to use the telemetry from there, but we didn’t get anything stronger than we had earlier. The drive in and out of that area of bush was literally like mowing down trees with the car. I tried to take a video, but my camera memory was full! So sad. We were bouncing/flying out because of the rocky terrain and basically diving under the seats to avoid getting attacked by all the branches we passed. Always a good time, when we offroad in the Landie! At that point, we called it, because it was 10am and we weren’t going to be able to get a visual at this point. Along the road, though, we did locate fairly fresh rhino tracks, which we think may be from a pregnant female that we haven’t seen lately. We also got leopard tracks along the road, which I recorded for some recent movements. The sun never broke through the clouds, so we never warmed up. I’m actually pretty sure it got COLDER as we went. I was very happy for the lap blankets! We returned home around 10:30-10:45. We didn’t do maintenance yesterday, so they switched it to today. Luckily, it was still cold. We started a little after 11, and began shoveling up the grass from the area we had cleared for the volleyball court. Stewart was a pro shovel-user, whipping up the grass like a champ. The other shovels were in use, so Andrew told me to pick up the chunks of grass so they didn’t just get left right on the edge of the bush, which would just be a fire hazard if a fire broke out. He also told me to pick up the ellie crap that was sitting near to the volleyball court from Riff Raff’s visit the other night, because, when it finished drying out, it would burn really well to start the fire. I looked around for a shovel at first, then I realized, this is Africa, and the rangers always dig through herbivore poo. Andrew told me that he and his friends used to play a game called “Who Flung Dung?”, in which you basically chuck poo at each other. Of course, he embellished this explanation by chucking ellie dung at me, which broke all down my shirt. This developed into a rousing game of dodgeball with dung, and I chased him down across the yard to fling it back to him! It was one of the strangest things I have ever done, lol! Then, after I pelted him nicely with dung, we got back to work. I was collecting all the chunks of grass in the wheelbarrow to dry them out so we can use them to burn later on. The girls and Stewart and Tom were shoveling all the grass up and clearing the whole area for the court. Then, since it was still early and cool out, Andrew decided we should start bringing loads of sand from the river to fill the court with. We attached the small luggage trailer to the Nissan to go down there. Poor trailer. It was not built for these roads! We only filled it halfway, cause we knew it would be too heavy and would scrape on the way home. I was afraid it wouldn’t make it through the river crossing! We did two loads of sand, and unloaded them on the court. It’s definitely making progress! That area has changed a lot in the past few weeks since I have been here! We all started cleaning up around 1:30, because the afternoon drive was at 3. Everyone took showers, so that meant everyone took COLD showers! Brrr. At least it was invigorating, right? Everyone tidied up and had some lunch. I decided to stay back from the buffalo drive to work on my project. They left at 3ish and I actually got a lot done. I also got to talk to Mike about my project and what he wanted to see done, which was awesome! I really needed to make sure we were on the same level with the project, and that was awesome to catch him tonight, because he is leaving tomorrow for Europe!! I worked a bit more, and then helped Lukas start the fire. The gang got home around 7. They had found the buffalo, but not the new male. They did have a really exciting sighting of an African wildcat though! They are really small and look like housecats, so it’s pretty uncommon to see on in the bush clearly! I worked some more, until dinner. Now I have a lot of work cut out for me, after talking to Mike. Dinner was chicken, potato, and veggie curry, and it was superb. Much better than my curry two weeks ago! Haha. Dinner wasn’t ready until past 8, so we didn’t leave the fire til ten, and then I offered to clean up the kitchen. Late night, but we get to sleep in tomorrow, not leaving until 7:30 for road clearing!

Baby buffalo that I didn't see today. I stole Stewart's pics.
 This is an African Wildcat, thanks to Stewart's camera :)

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